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Threat Group Cards: A Threat Actor Encyclopedia

Permanent link APT group: FamousSparrow

NamesFamousSparrow (ESET)
Earth Estries (Trend Micro)
MotivationInformation theft and espionage
First seen2019
Description(ESET) ESET researchers have uncovered a new cyberespionage group targeting hotels, governments, and private companies worldwide. We have named this group FamousSparrow and we believe it has been active since at least 2019.
ObservedSectors: Engineering, Government, Hospitality and law firms.
Countries: Brazil, Burkina Faso, Canada, France, Guatemala, Israel, Lithuania, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, UK.
Tools usedMimikatz, nbtscan, ProcDump, SparrowDoor.

Last change to this card: 06 September 2023

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