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Home > List all groups > SharpPanda, Sharp Dragon

Threat Group Cards: A Threat Actor Encyclopedia

Permanent link APT group: SharpPanda, Sharp Dragon

NamesSharpPanda (Check Point)
Sharp Dragon (Check Point)
CountryChina China
MotivationInformation theft and espionage
First seen2018
Description(Check Point) Check Point Research identified an ongoing surveillance operation targeting a Southeast Asian government. The attackers use spear-phishing to gain initial access and leverage old Microsoft Office vulnerabilities together with the chain of in-memory loaders to attempt and install a previously unknown backdoor on victim’s machines.

Our investigation shows the operation was carried out by what we believe is a Chinese APT group that has been testing and refining the tools in its arsenal for at least 3 years.
ObservedSectors: Government.
Countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Africa, the Caribbean and Southeast Asia.
Tools used8.t Dropper, Cobalt Strike.
Operations performed2024Chinese Espionage Campaign Expands to Target Africa and The Caribbean
Mar 2024Inside the SharpPanda's Malware Targeting Malaysia

Last change to this card: 19 June 2024

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