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Permanent link APT group: Vicious Panda

NamesVicious Panda (Check Point)
Bronze Dudley (SecureWorks)
CountryChina China
MotivationInformation theft and espionage
First seen2015
Description(Check Point) Check Point Research discovered a new campaign against the Mongolian public sector, which takes advantage of the current Coronavirus scare, in order to deliver a previously unknown malware implant to the target.

A closer look at this campaign allowed us to tie it to other operations which were carried out by the same anonymous group, dating back to at least 2016. Over the years, these operations targeted different sectors in multiple countries, such as Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus.
ObservedSectors: Government.
Countries: Belarus, Mongolia, Russia, Ukraine.
Tools used8.t Dropper, BBSRAT, Byeby, Cmstar, Enfal, Pylot.
Operations performedAug 2015Digital Quartermaster Scenario Demonstrated in Attacks Against the Mongolian Government
Jun 2017Threat Actors Target Government of Belarus Using CMSTAR Trojan
Mar 2020Vicious Panda: The COVID Campaign
Check Point Research discovered a new campaign against the Mongolian public sector, which takes advantage of the current Coronavirus scare, in order to deliver a previously unknown malware implant to the target.

Last change to this card: 07 January 2021

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