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NamesSmoky Spider (CrowdStrike)
MotivationFinancial gain
First seen2011
Description(IBM) According to 360 NetLab, the (relatively) ancient malware downloader has enjoyed a slow burn on the black market, where malicious actors can pick up a customized copy for $850. While other researchers have identified various aspects of the threat, 360 NetLab took aim at the malware’s admin panel, which offers support for multiple plugins and functions — such as FORM GRAB, BOT LIST, KEYLOGGER and more — designed to help attackers successfully infiltrate targeted devices.

The flexibility of Smoke Loader remains its biggest appeal; it was among the top 10 malware threats detected by Check Point in December 2018. It’s the first time a second-stage downloader has made the list, and may indicate a coming shift in the threat profiles of typical malware attacks.

Smoke Loader has been observed to distribute DoppelPaymer (Doppel Spider), TinyLoader (Tiny Spider), DanaBot (Scully Spider, TA547), BokBot (Lunar Spider), Zeus Panda (Bamboo Spider, TA544) and TrickBot (Wizard Spider, Gold Blackburn).
ObservedCountries: Worldwide.
Tools usedSmoke Loader, Sasfis.
Operations performed2015Smoke Loader – downloader with a smokescreen still alive
Apr 2018Smoke Loader malware improves after Microsoft spoils its Campaign
Jun 2018Smoking Guns - Smoke Loader learned new tricks
Jul 2018The Cylance Threat Research team recently dissected a resurgent form of Smoke Loader. Our investigation uncovered two other samples of malware working with Smoke Loader: a document packed with malicious macros, and Trickbot, a banking Trojan.
Nov 2018Analysis of Smoke Loader in New Tsunami Campaign
Apr 2019Proofpoint observed that the malware returned to regular attacks against German and Swiss users in April 2019 after taking a hiatus in 2018. These campaigns helped reveal several new techniques now employed by the banking Trojan. One geographically targeted campaign against Switzerland, for instance, used an Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) package to deliver Smoke Loader. This threat, in turn, downloaded Retefe two hours after infection.
Counter operationsMar 2018Behavior monitoring combined with machine learning spoils a massive Dofoil coin mining campaign

Last change to this card: 15 April 2020

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