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Permanent link APT group: Operation Crimson Palace

NamesOperation Crimson Palace (Sophos)
CountryChina China
MotivationInformation theft and espionage
First seen2022
Description(Sophos) In May 2023, in a threat hunt across Sophos Managed Detection and Response telemetry, Sophos MDR’s Mark Parsons uncovered a complex, long-running Chinese state-sponsored cyberespionage operation we have dubbed “Crimson Palace” targeting a high-profile government organization in Southeast Asia.

MDR launched the hunt after the discovery of a DLL sideloading technique that exploited VMNat.exe, a VMware component. In the investigation that followed, we tracked at least three clusters of intrusion activity from March 2023 to December 2023. The hunt also uncovered previously unreported malware associated with the threat clusters, as well as a new, improved variant of the previously-reported EAGERBEE malware. In line with our standard internal nomenclature, Sophos tracks these clusters as Cluster Alpha (STAC1248), Cluster Bravo (STAC1807), and Cluster Charlie (STAC1305).
ObservedCountries: Southeast Asia.
Tools used

Last change to this card: 19 June 2024

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