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Permanent link APT group: Operation Groundbait

NamesOperation Groundbait (ESET)
CountryUkraine Ukraine
MotivationInformation theft and espionage
First seen2008
Description(ESET) After BlackEnergy, which has, most infamously, facilitated attacks that resulted in power outages for hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian civilians, and Operation Potao Express, where attackers went after sensitive TrueCrypt-protected data from high value targets, ESET researchers have uncovered another cyberespionage operation in Ukraine: Operation Groundbait.

The main point that sets Operation Groundbait apart from the other attacks is that it has mostly been targeting anti-government separatists in the self-declared Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics.

While the attackers seem to be more interested in separatists and the self-declared governments in eastern Ukrainian war zones, there have also been a large number of other targets, including, among others, Ukrainian government officials, politicians and journalists.
ObservedSectors: Government and politicians and journalists.
Countries: Ukraine.
Tools usedPrikormka.

Last change to this card: 15 April 2020

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