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Threat Group Cards: A Threat Actor Encyclopedia

Permanent link APT group: Operation Jacana

NamesOperation Jacana (ESET)
CountryChina China
MotivationInformation theft and espionage
First seen2023
Description(ESET) In February 2023, ESET researchers detected a spearphishing campaign targeting a governmental entity in Guyana. While we haven’t been able to link the campaign, which we named Operation Jacana, to any specific APT group, we believe with medium confidence that a China-aligned threat group is behind this incident.

In the attack, the operators used a previously undocumented C++ backdoor that can exfiltrate files, manipulate Windows registry keys, execute CMD commands, and more. We named the backdoor DinodasRAT based on the victim identifier it sends to its C&C: the string always begins with Din, which reminded us of the hobbit Dinodas from the Lord of the Rings.
ObservedCountries: Guyana.
Tools usedDinodasRAT, Impacket, PlugX, SoftEther VPN.

Last change to this card: 13 October 2023

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