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Threat Group Cards: A Threat Actor Encyclopedia

Permanent link Tool: VPNFilter

TypeBackdoor, Botnet, Worm
Description(Talos) For several months, Talos has been working with public- and private-sector threat intelligence partners and law enforcement in researching an advanced, likely state-sponsored or state-affiliated actor's widespread use of a sophisticated modular malware system we call 'VPNFilter.' We have not completed our research, but recent events have convinced us that the correct way forward is to now share our findings so that affected parties can take the appropriate action to defend themselves.
AlienVault OTX<>

Last change to this tool card: 21 May 2020

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All groups using tool VPNFilter


APT groups

 Sandworm Team, Iron Viking, Voodoo BearRussia2009-Mar 2024X
XSofacy, APT 28, Fancy Bear, SednitRussia2004-Jul 2024 HOTX

2 groups listed (2 APT, 0 other, 0 unknown)

Digital Service Security Center
Electronic Transactions Development Agency

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