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Threat Group Cards: A Threat Actor Encyclopedia

Permanent link Tool: HesperBot

TypeBanking trojan, Info stealer, Keylogger, Tunneling
Description(ESET) Despite being a “new kid on the block”, it appears that Win32/Spy.Hesperbot is a very potent banking trojan which features common functionalities, such as keystroke logging, creation of screenshots and video capture, and setting up a remote proxy, but also includes some more advanced tricks, such as creating a hidden VNC server on the infected system. And of course the banking trojan feature list wouldn’t be complete without network traffic interception and HTML injection capabilities. Win32/Spy.Hesperbot does all this in quite a sophisticated manner.
AlienVault OTX<>

Last change to this tool card: 23 April 2020

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Previous: HermeticWizard

All groups using tool HesperBot


APT groups

 Wild Neutron, Butterfly, Sphinx Moth[Unknown]2013-Feb 2013 

1 group listed (1 APT, 0 other, 0 unknown)

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