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Threat Group Cards: A Threat Actor Encyclopedia

Permanent link Tool: Gold Dragon

NamesGold Dragon
Description(McAfee) On December 24, 2017, our analysts observed the Korean-language implant Gold Dragon. We now believe this implant is the second-stage payload in the Olympics attack that ATR discovered January 6, 2018. The PowerShell implant used in the Olympics campaign was a stager based on the PowerShell Empire framework that created an encrypted channel to the attacker’s server. However, this implant required additional modules to be executed to be a fully capable backdoor. In addition, the PowerShell implant did not contain a mechanism to persist beyond a simple scheduled task. Gold Dragon has a much more robust persistence mechanism than the initial PowerShell implant and enables the attacker to do much more to the target system. Gold Dragon reappeared the same day that the Olympics campaign began.

Last change to this tool card: 28 December 2022

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All groups using tool Gold Dragon


APT groups

 HadesRussia2017-Oct 2020X
XKimsuky, Velvet ChollimaNorth Korea2012-Jul 2024 HOTX

2 groups listed (2 APT, 0 other, 0 unknown)

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