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Threat Group Cards: A Threat Actor Encyclopedia

Permanent link Tool: GREENCAT

TypeReconnaissance, Backdoor, Info stealer, Exfiltration
DescriptionMembers of this family are full featured backdoors that communicates with a Web-based Command & Control (C2) server over SSL. Features include interactive shell, gathering system info, uploading and downloading files, and creating and killing processes, Malware in this family usually communicates with a hard-coded domain using SSL on port 443. Some members of this family rely on launchers to establish persistence mechanism for them. Others contains functionality that allows it to install itself, replacing an existing Windows service, and uninstall itself. Several variants use %SystemRoot%\Tasks or %WinDir%\Tasks as working directories, additional malware artifacts may be found there.

Last change to this tool card: 20 April 2020

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All groups using tool GREENCAT


APT groups

 Comment Crew, APT 1China2006-May 2018X

1 group listed (1 APT, 0 other, 0 unknown)

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Electronic Transactions Development Agency

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