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Permanent link Tool: TONESHELL

Description(Trend Micro) The TONESHELL malware is the main backdoor used in this campaign. It is a shellcode loader that loads and decodes the backdoor shellcode with a 32-byte key in memory. In the earlier version of TONESHELL, it has the capabilities from TONEINS malware, including establishing persistence and installing backdoors. However, the more recent version of TONESHELL is a standalone backdoor without any installer capabilities (such as the file ~$Talk points.docx). It is also obfuscated in a similar fashion to TONEINS malware, indicating that the actors continue to update the arsenal and separate the tools in order to bypass detection.

Last change to this tool card: 22 June 2023

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All groups using tool TONESHELL


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 Mustang Panda, Bronze PresidentChina2012-Mar 2024 

1 group listed (1 APT, 0 other, 0 unknown)

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