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Threat Group Cards: A Threat Actor Encyclopedia

Permanent link Tool: MoonWalk

Description(ZScaler) APT41, a China-based nation-state threat actor known for campaigns in Southeast Asia, has been observed using a new backdoor called MoonWalk.
MoonWalk shares a common development toolkit with DodgeBox, reusing code that implements evasive techniques such as DLL hollowing, import resolution, DLL unhooking, and call stack spoofing. Additionally, MoonWalk employs further evasion tactics, including the use of Google Drive as its C2 channel to blend in with legitimate network traffic and the utilization of Windows Fibers to evade AV/EDR security solutions.
MoonWalk's modular design allows attackers to easily update its capabilities, modify its behavior, and customize functionality for different scenarios.

Last change to this tool card: 26 August 2024

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Next: MoonWind RAT

All groups using tool MoonWalk


APT groups

XAPT 41China2012-Apr 2024X

1 group listed (1 APT, 0 other, 0 unknown)

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