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Permanent link Tool: DUSTTRAP

TypeDropper, Loader
Description(Mandiant) DUSTTRAP is a multi-stage plugin framework with multiple components. DUSTTRAP begins with a launcher (Stage 1) that AES-128-CFB decrypts an encrypted on-disk PE file .dll.mui and executes it in memory. Decryption relies on the target machine's HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\MachineGUID, thereby keying the launcher to the victim system. The decrypted PE from the launcher is a memory-only dropper (Stage 2) that is responsible for decrypting an embedded configuration and two or more embedded plugin dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) from its .lrsrc section. Once executed, these DLLs begin the setup of the modular plugin system. The first observed plugin (Stage 3) is responsible for low-level network setup and encryption. The second observed plugin (Stage 4) is responsible for higher-level network operations and may function as a downloader for additional plugins that, when loaded, may register themselves with prior components in the execution chain for additional functionality. We've observed the second plugin to vary in functionality and more plugin variants likely exist.

Last change to this tool card: 26 August 2024

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All groups using tool DUSTTRAP


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XAPT 41China2012-Apr 2024X

1 group listed (1 APT, 0 other, 0 unknown)

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Electronic Transactions Development Agency

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