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Threat Group Cards: A Threat Actor Encyclopedia

Unknown group: _[ Interesting malware not linked to an actor yet ]_

Names_[ Interesting malware not linked to an actor yet ]_ (?)
Tools usedAcidPour, AcidRain, Ajina, Alice, Amavaldo, Antidot, Anubis, Apocalipto, Ares, Asacub, ATMii, ATMitch, Atmos, Backoff, Backswap, Baka, Banatrix, Banjori, BBTok, BernhardPOS, BHUNT, Bizarro, BlackLotus, BlackRock, BlankBot, BrasDex, Brata, Brokewell, BrutPOS, CamuBot, CarnavalHeist, Chaes, CHAVECLOAK, ChewBacca, Cinobi, Coyote, Dendroid, Dexter, DreamBot, CenterPOS, Cerberus, Cherry Picker, Cutlet Maker, CryWiper, Dark Tequila, Decebal, DMSniff, DoubleZero, EKANS, ERMAC, ExoBot, ExoBotCompact, FighterPOS, FindPOS, FiXS, FjordPhantom, FlokiBot, Fobber, FrostyGoop, GamaPOS, GetMyPass, Gigabud, GlitchPOS, GodFather, Gozi, Gozi v2, GoldDigger, GoldPickaxe, Grandoreiro, GreenDispenser, HermeticRansom, HermeticWiper, HermeticWizard, IAP, Ice IX, IOCONTROL, IsaacWiper, JackPOS, Janeleiro, Karius, KINS, Krasue, KRBanker, Licat, LockPOS, LogPOS, MajikPOS, MalumPOS, Marcher, Matrix Banker, Maxtrilha, Mekotio, Mispadu, MMRat, ModPipe, Multigrain, MysteryBot, Numando, NeoPocket, Neutrino POS, NitlovePOS, Osiris, Pegasus, PIPEDREAM, PixPirate, PixStealer, PLC-Blaster, Predator, Prilex, Ploutus, PosCardStealer, Pro POS, Punkey, PwnPOS, Qadars, Ranbyus, Red Alert, Rdasrv, RtPOS, RURansom, ScanPOS, SharkBot, Silent Night, Sinowal, Sisron, Skimer, Soraya, S.O.V.A., SpyAgent, SpyEye, SUCEFUL, TeaBot, TinyNuke, TOITOIN, ToxicPanda, TreasureHunter, Tyupkin, UDPoS, Vadokrist, Vizom, vSkimmer, WinPot, XBOT-POS, Xenomorph, XPCTRA, Zanubis, ZE Loader, ZeusPOS, ZeusVM, ZitMo.

Last change to this card: 28 December 2024

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