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Home > List all groups > Urpage

Threat Group Cards: A Threat Actor Encyclopedia

Permanent link APT group: Urpage

NamesUrpage (Trend Micro)
Country[Middle East]
MotivationInformation theft and espionage
First seen2018
Description(Trend Micro) In the process of monitoring changes in the threat landscape, we get a clearer insight into the way threat actors work behind the schemes. In this case we dig deeper into the possible connection between cyberattacks by focusing on the similarities an unnamed threat actor shares with Patchwork, Dropping Elephant, and another threat actor called Bahamut. For the sake of this report, we will call this unnamed threat actor “Urpage.”
ObservedCountries: Pakistan.
Tools usedTrojaned Android applications.

Last change to this card: 15 April 2020

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