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Permanent link Other threat group: ALTDOS

NamesALTDOS (self given)
MotivationFinancial gain
First seen2020
DescriptionNot much is known about this person or group, other than the breach reports.
This group seems to have continued as Desorden.
ObservedCountries: Bangladesh, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand.
Tools usedCobalt Strike.
Operations performedDec 2020“ALTDOS,” as they call themselves, contacted a number of news outlets in Thailand and online news sites to announce that they had attacked CGSEC on December 4.
Jan 2021The same hacking group that hit Country Group Securities (CGSEC) in Thailand has revealed a recent attack on Mono Next Public Company Limited, a media and content conglomerate in Thailand.
Jan 2021Hackers claim to have attacked major Bangladeshi conglomerate
Mar 2021Vhive, a popular retail furniture chain in Singapore, has posted a notice on their web site and Facebook page announcing a cyberattack that occurred on March 23.
May 2021Audio House customer data possibly stolen by hackers
Jun 2021ALTDOS claimed to have attacked Unispec Group Singapore, which operates in the marine industry, providing services in marine insurance, surveying, cargo, containers, and marine IT software. UniSpec has offices in Singapore, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Korea and China.
Aug 2021Singapore-based OrangeTee appears to have suffered a massive hack and data exfiltration by ALTDOS threat actors.
Sep 2021ALTDOS claims to have hacked one of Malaysia’s biggest conglomerates
Counter operationsSep 2021ALTDOS claims some of their servers were seized but they did not lose data

Last change to this card: 02 November 2021

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