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Threat Group Cards: A Threat Actor Encyclopedia

Permanent link Tool: PlugY

TypeBackdoor, Info stealer
Description(Kaspersky) Having analyzed the behavior of the newly found CloudSorcerer samples, we found that the attackers used it to download a previously unknown implant. This implant connects to the C2 server by one of three methods:
• TCP protocol
• UDP protocol
• Named pipes

The set of commands this implant can handle is quite extensive, and implemented commands range from manipulating files and executing shell commands to logging keystrokes and monitoring the screen or the clipboard.

Last change to this tool card: 27 August 2024

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APT groups

XCloudSorcerer[Unknown]2024-Jul 2024 HOT 

1 group listed (1 APT, 0 other, 0 unknown)

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Electronic Transactions Development Agency

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