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Threat Group Cards: A Threat Actor Encyclopedia

Permanent link Tool: Bateleur

Description(Proofpoint) Proofpoint researchers have uncovered that the threat actor commonly referred to as FIN7 has added a new JScript backdoor called Bateleur and updated macros to its toolkit. We have observed these new tools being used to target U.S.-based chain restaurants, although FIN7 has previously targeted hospitality organizations, retailers, merchant services, suppliers and others. The new macros and Bateleur backdoor use sophisticated anti-analysis and sandbox evasion techniques as they attempt to cloak their activities and expand their victim pool.
AlienVault OTX<>

Last change to this tool card: 23 April 2020

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All groups using tool Bateleur


APT groups

 Carbanak, AnunakUkraine2013-Apr 2023X
XFIN7Russia2013-Jul 2024 HOTX

2 groups listed (2 APT, 0 other, 0 unknown)

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Electronic Transactions Development Agency

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