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Permanent link Tool: GUP Proxy Tool

NamesGUP Proxy Tool
Description(Proofpoint) The GUP command and control proxy tool may impersonate the name of a piece of legitimate opensource software available at wingup[.]org, which is used by Notepad++. In historic campaigns by APT adversaries, legitimate GUP.exe versions were utilized that were digitally signed by Notepad++. In this campaign, files appeared to impersonate the GUP.exe file name rather than being a legitimate signed binary. The function of this tool is to set up a TCP listener on a localhost, receive encoded data via requests from the SodomNormal localhost module, and to forward this data to the command and control IP via HTTP. The GUP Proxy Tool has a hardcoded configuration which is included as both strings and integers.

Last change to this tool card: 24 April 2021

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All groups using tool GUP Proxy Tool


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