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Threat Group Cards: A Threat Actor Encyclopedia

Permanent link Tool: FlawedAmmyy

TypeBackdoor, Info stealer, Credential stealer, Exfiltration
Description(Proofpoint) Ammyy Admin is a popular remote access tool used by businesses and consumers to handle remote control and diagnostics on Microsoft Windows machines. However, leaked source code for Version 3 of Ammyy Admin has emerged as a Remote Access Trojan called FlawedAmmyy appearing in a variety of malicious campaigns. For infected individuals, this means that attackers potentially have complete access to their PCs, giving threat actors the ability to access a variety of services, steal files and credentials, and much more. We have seen FlawedAmmyy in both massive campaigns, potentially creating a large base of compromised computers, as well as targeted campaigns that create opportunities for actors to steal customer data, proprietary information, and more.
AlienVault OTX<>

Last change to this tool card: 13 May 2020

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Next: FlawedGrace

All groups using tool FlawedAmmyy


APT groups

 Buhtrap, Ratopak SpiderRussia2015-Jun 2019 
 Carbanak, AnunakUkraine2013-Apr 2023X
 Cobalt GroupRussia2016-Oct 2019X
 FIN6, Skeleton Spider[Unknown]2015-Oct 2021X
 FIN11[Unknown]2016-Feb 2024X
 TA505, Graceful Spider, Gold EvergreenRussia2006-Nov 2022X

6 groups listed (6 APT, 0 other, 0 unknown)

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Electronic Transactions Development Agency

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