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Permanent link Tool: Antidot

TypeBanking trojan
Description(Cyble) A new Android Banking Trojan, “Antidot,” masquerading as a Google Play update application, displays fake Google Play update pages in multiple languages, indicating a wide range of targets.
Antidot incorporates a range of malicious features, including overlay attacks and keylogging, allowing it to compromise devices and harvest sensitive information.
Antidot maintains communication with its Command and Control (C&C) server through WebSocket, enabling real-time, bidirectional interaction for executing commands.
The malware executes a wide range of commands received from the C&C server, including collecting SMS messages, initiating USSD requests, and even remotely controlling device features such as the camera and screen lock.
Antidot implemented VNC using MediaProjection to remotely control infected devices.

Last change to this tool card: 18 June 2024

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